Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Climate Change

Natural factors such as volcanic eruptions, changes in the Earth's orbit, and the amount of energy released from the Sun have affected the Earth's climate. For over the past 200 years the burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil and the direct effect deforestation have caused the concentrations of heat trapping greenhouse gases to increase, abnormally, in our atmosphere. the greenhouse gases prevent heat from escaping to space, somewhat like the glass panels of a greenhouse; hence the name. Effects of the cliamte change
include sea level rise, shrinking glaciers, changes in the range and distribution of plants and animals, trees blooming earlier, lengthening of growing seasons, ice on rivers and lakes freezing later and breaking up earlier, and thawing of permafrost., last updated: Thursday, May 20, 2010 Author: US EPA

This website is dedicated to the Nature Conservancy and how that organization has began implementing ways to "tackle" global warming to ensure that future generations will have a planet to live on. They are working to reduce the accumulation of heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere and help natural areas adjust to the impact of climate change. The conservancy is doing three major things to help 1. reducing emmions from deforistation 2. helping natual areas adapt to the impacts of climate change and 3.supporting policies to reduce emmsions., last updated: April 30, 2009 author: The Nature Conservancy (the only name i found on the site was the copyright agent: Susan Lauscher)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sewer Treatment

On friday when we ventured over to the sewer treatment plant i learned quite a bit. Although all that i learned doesnt apply to me because i live in the country and my used water goes into a septic tank rather than being filtered through the city and reused. I also learned that to put on the entire production a lot of thought goes into how it all works; and for the end result which is basically to have cleaner water flowing into the river.  Todd took us through the facility and showed us where the the pressure for the water flow through out the facility comes from, which is through the blowers that are there and when we (the city) has a power outage the facility will still be able to run the blowers because they have two huge diesel generators to run everything on. It was rather interesting how much of a prodution it is just for used water to be regenerated.

Friday, October 1, 2010

City Talk

1. Mrs Byerly, from the city of Eaton Rapids, came and talked with our class.

2.  The city upgraded the cities sewer water treatment system by putting in bigger storm drains and rain gardens to help prevent icky  stuff from getting into the river when it rains.

3. Adding the storm drain and the rain gardens will help the river tremendously. It will keep chemicals like oil and stuff that comes off and out of our cars and into the environment, specifically the roadways and parking lots, the improvements will help keep the river very clean.

4. My group was responsible for the temperature of the river so i dont think the improvements will really change much of the temperature.

5. The thing i found the most interesting was that even though the construction was to make many different improvements to our town i found the rain gardens to be the most interesting and the fact that main street is opening today! :)

6. My bio bottle is doing well, the grass and the peas are growing well but the plastic in it is not making much of a difference.

7. I havent made any progress on my action plan

8. I don't think we've started our power point.